Many children in Lithuania start smoking, alcohol and even drugs early simply because they do not receive enough attention and support. In Lithuania, as many as 34% adolescents regularly consume alcohol and smoke about 30%. Suicide rate of children and young people, aged 15–19 Lithuania is the largest among the EU countries and almost 4 times higher than the EU average. According to the general level of empathy, Lithuania ranked 130th among 130 countries surveyed. Kids don't need things - kids need positive attention !!!
According to the researchers, the situation can be drastically improved by encouraging parents to spend quality time with their children (playing together, managing together, taking an interest in the child's affairs) and increasing children's participation in organized sports. Currently, only about 20% children attend sports in Lithuania. The main reason for this is the cost and lack of infrastructure near the house.
We bring kids to friendly football workouts. We invite children from single-parent, large, socially vulnerable families and foster homes to attend football training for free with other children. They are taught by specially trained, friendly coaches, children are taught to apologize, work and play in a team.